Thursday, February 3

It's tough to be patient

Last night, I was watching TV when amidst the American Idol auditions, comes the preview for the next episode of LOST... So much is going on on that show and the next episode has Ethan coming back after Charlie, and Claire the center of attention after a bunch of episodes being kidnapped... I'm pretty sure the next episode is 4pm on Stupidbowl sunday, going back to regular wednesday time slot next week. It's been a while since I've been so hooked on a TV drama enough to make time every week.

The other show I've been watching is Degrassi: TNG... It's goofy and fairly predictable, that's probably why I watch it (and Faith watches it every week). Last show and the next 2 feature Kevin Smith as a character (Dogma, Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob strike back) and he's pretty funny. It's weird seeing him outside his usual Silent Bob role.

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