Saturday, May 22

Slurpee Report

Conditions as of 2pm on Friday may 21, king St in kitchener.

Gforce blue and Cream soda combined for a timely and tasty treat, though neither were thick enough to maintain their slurpee for until completiion.

I have been twice tempted now to try the pink grapefruit, but a genuine fear of consequences has kept me away.
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Sunday, May 16

Jooje the predator

I awoke about 20 min after falling asleep last night to a lot of
comotion in the bathroom. I thought to myself, self, what is the
meaning of this? I investigated to find Jooje tormenting a mouse she
had caught. It was quite the sight. What a good cat, I figured that
being the fat lazy one, the other cat would do the mousing, but she
proved herself useful.... finally.