Thursday, January 18

Some people call me slim...

tonight I cam eback to work around 6pm to get ready for movie night and had to get out of the car to undo the chain to get in. There's a chain fence at our entrance because the Mandarin's patrons were using our parking lot. Anyways, force of habit and I lock my keys in the car while running... It's a good thing I have experience picking car locks, just ask Mike Washburn. The Beav used to keep a coat hanger in the front bumper of his car for just this reason. Anyways, I was fortunate enough that the Mandarin had a metal coat hanger. And it only took me about 5 minutes to get it open.

on another note, I've lost about 16lbs in the past few months by some minor miracle and people keep telling me I look like I've lost weight. It must have been all that fast food I ate.... cause there's no real nourishment in that stuff.

on yet another note, I feel naked going out without Silas. Faith and Silas went with Karen up to Cochrane for the weekend. Tonight I was in a store and heard a baby scream a bit like him when he's hungry and I missed him. They had only been gone about 12 hours. Everybody told me my life would completely change. no crap. Ah well, a few sleepful nights await me. I'll take good advantage of those. That's about all.

Saturday, January 13

This new blogger sure seems familiar.

Lets see how the new blogger affects my blogging. Maybe it'll make me funny, or more vulgar. Who knows. Anyways, there ya go fournie. Quit whining. And if you can guess what's on Terry's head, I'll tell you where he got it .

Tuesday, January 9

Not another baby post...

It's been a while I guess. I'll blame it on being completely frazzled with the new addition, although, he's been really good to us thus far and I'm just lazy. Either way, my parental leave has come and gone... 4 weeks felt like 1, probably due to the whirlwind Christmas season. Anyways, here's some pictures.

Matt thinks Silas is one okay dude. Look at that tan. It can't be natural. Not bad for a freaky-deaky dutchman.
Silas has developed a very good eminem impression. This is eminem in 8-mile. Pretty good.
I coaxed a smile out of him the other day. I told him it snows in wintertime. He thought that was funny. Joke's on you. Winter appears to be here.
Monday night, Silas met his Mother from a different brother. Mother Alward that is. We went to the Duke of Wellington and he got in without his fake id.