Sunday, April 3

Spring Back, Fall Forward, right?

I't officially STUPId O'CLOCk... It came extra fast tonight, it's like an hour dissappeared... I can't sleep. Could be due to Playing hockey at 10pm, or the freaked up sleep schedule due to me thating up til 6am yesterday... I dunno, but it sucks. I'm sick and tired of a lot of things, but mostly I'm just sick and tired.

NOTE: We won our game, putting us up 2-1 in the "B" cup finals of the MHL. I got 2 assists with my new Stick... It's quite nice. I also got hit in the mouth with a puck, giving me a few nicks on the inside of my lip, and slight swelling. It's still a bit tender. My Mom's gonna read this and offer to buy me a full face mask, cause last time I got hit in the face, she bought me a half visor. I love my mom.

maybe i'll go back to bed and listen to jooje make racoon noises and run around.

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