Tuesday, October 11

At Least My Blog's Back to Normal...

After a long wait, my hair has grown in and my bLog has gone through an ugly phase with it's links section. Ah well.

Turkey day comes and goes, and somehow the only turkey I consumed on Sunday was on my Subway Club sandwich. We went to Grandma's in Corunna on Sunday to find out that Turkey had been taken away from us and been replaced by ham. The ham was good mind you, but it sure wasn't Turkey. Oh well, life goes on.

Garrett seemed to recognize me after a little bit. I don't see him all that often, and last time I saw him was when I had my mullet... he's a good kid, almost makes me wanna have a 1 1/4 year old, but I want to skip the time leading up to that. I also got the urge to get a little dog over the weekend. I won't act on that impulse, but have made some simple guidelines for any dog wishing to join my household.
1. It must have short hair (allergies)
2. It must be small enough to give the cats a fair fight.
3. It must not be ugly

I know I'm limiting my selections, but I really don't want a dog... not until I get a fence around the yard. I don't like walking a lot, dogs do.

I hope all had a wonderful Turkey Weekend and a beautiful Oktoberfest season.

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