Thursday, May 26

4 8 15 16 23 42

Once again, LOST fails to dissapoint, unless you count the fact that there's still a lot of unresolved crap with that show. But who really cares about that? We saw a guy blow up... freakin cool! There's a pirate ship, and Locke is crazier than ever. Just one problem.

It's usually about this time of year that the Leafs are booted from the Stanley Cup Playoffs, so, in Lieu of the NHL, LOST has taken over and given me something to crave for the next 3 months. Bittersweet, really. Now my schedule is open, thanks to sweeps, just like the hatch -- dynamite. At least we know it's not goblins.

Patrick had a theory about the hatch and Locke's response to what he thought was in it... Pandora's box, when opened releases all kinds of bad stuff, but what's left inside is... HOPE. Exactly what Locke said.

Not all was blown by the dynamite, or taken by Randy Purdy's long lost cousin on the boat... The Numbers are still there and as cursed as ever... 4 8 15 16 23 42 ... 4 8 15 16 23 42 ... 4 8 15 16 23 42

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