Sunday, November 21

If you can dodge a wrench...

I just changed my satellite package, getting rid of the useless sports package (due to lack of hockey) in favour of the fun stuff package, which includes the Comedy network and Gameshow network... The Gameshow network is famous for replaying such great gameshows such as Family Feud and the Dating Game, but I just found out there is a new game on the network... Extreme Dodgeball. And I thought the movie was a bit far fetched... In actuality, the movie, "Dodgeball" is quite accurate, with crazy team names, funny looking people, and freakin Dodgeball.. I was surprised to see the stands full of screaming people, and the rules somewhat complex for a schoolyard game. Game 1 has 2 balls in play, game 2 has 2 balls plus the "big ball" in effect... That's like an exercise ball. Game 3 (if necessary) has one player as the "dead man walking" whom the rest of the team needs to protect... Titillating action, keeping me on the edge of my seat for most of the hour I watched... booyah!

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