Friday, November 19

Baby, it's 2 am, I must be stupid

Howdy... Here I am, fartin around on bittorrent, waiting for my david hasselhoff christmas album to download, trying to get tired, but to no avail... I was dead tired after work today, and had a nap that lasted 2 hours... not quite a nap... more of a snooze... anyways, here I am, giving up on trying to sleep, and exploring the world as my computer allows me...

I just recently hooked up a second monitor to my computer, because I had one lying around, and I'm now reaping the benefits of a dual display setup. Not only can I keep my bittorrent dl's out of the way, but I can monitor them on my second display, where I keep msn running too. I'm a loser.

I hope you are all sleeping better than I am right now...

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