Monday, March 14

Eat your candy bar and put syrup on your bacon

So, we're back from the nether-regions... where "gosh" is pronounced "gAsh" and chocolate bars are called Candy Bars... what the frig. The land where they sell Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, and beer and wine in all gas stations... sounds heavenly, to a certain extent.... then you hear someone say gAsh, and it makes you want to run for the border.... not Taco Bell.

If it weren't the season of lent right now, I would have smuggled a tonne of american Mountain Dew back with us, cause unlike it's canadian version, it's loaded with CAFFEINE! I knew I should have just given up fast food.

I spent a bit in Dunhams Sports store in the mall in Port Urine, perusing their "hockey" section, only to find that it wasn't all that special. They had the basics, a few synergy's and vapor xx's, but nothing too spectacular. One thing I did find was a Mylec replacement blade that fits a standard shaft, not just around a broken wood stick... Things seemed slightly cheaper there, but sticks are still a lot cheaper on ebay.

Speaking of ebay, I returned Sun evening to find an auction for a stick I've wanted for a while and the price was abnormally low near the end of the auction, so I bid and won... no last minute shenanigans. Booyah!

That's about all... The Marshalls (Mike and Mary) were very hospitable, we had a gay old time watching Napoleon, and the farting preacher... They have a sweet elevator in their house... and a pool table. Unfortunately, Mike's grandmother passed away on Saturday morning, so we had to leave a bit earlier than expected, so remember the Marshalls in your prayers. Rough stuff.

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