Thursday, January 18

Some people call me slim...

tonight I cam eback to work around 6pm to get ready for movie night and had to get out of the car to undo the chain to get in. There's a chain fence at our entrance because the Mandarin's patrons were using our parking lot. Anyways, force of habit and I lock my keys in the car while running... It's a good thing I have experience picking car locks, just ask Mike Washburn. The Beav used to keep a coat hanger in the front bumper of his car for just this reason. Anyways, I was fortunate enough that the Mandarin had a metal coat hanger. And it only took me about 5 minutes to get it open.

on another note, I've lost about 16lbs in the past few months by some minor miracle and people keep telling me I look like I've lost weight. It must have been all that fast food I ate.... cause there's no real nourishment in that stuff.

on yet another note, I feel naked going out without Silas. Faith and Silas went with Karen up to Cochrane for the weekend. Tonight I was in a store and heard a baby scream a bit like him when he's hungry and I missed him. They had only been gone about 12 hours. Everybody told me my life would completely change. no crap. Ah well, a few sleepful nights await me. I'll take good advantage of those. That's about all.

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