Monday, January 2

Happy New Year!

Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I don't find New Years to be all that exciting of a "Holiday". In the past I've always gladly offered to work Newyears Day to get the time and a half pay on the biggest copp-out Stat holiday there is. Why accomodate the collective hangover or most of the world? Why not make St Patricks day after a stat?

Anyways, I'm not much for big parties. I enjoyed the company of people we met up with, but 2005 ended with a big melodramatic finish and a kiss on the cheek. We saw all the people in Times Square squealing like idiots and kissing anything in range, but I really didn't find any desire to be part of that.

In with the new I suppose. Back to listening to people's resolutions and watching them continuously break them until February when they say "screw it" and forfeit. Time to contuinually ruin cheques and write 05 by mistake in the date portion. Maybe I'm just not sentimental enough to want to reflect on last year and re-focus on this year. oh well.

I hope your new year is fruitful and fruitcake-less...

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