Tuesday, October 20

Words words words

I've noticed lately(on a few awkward occasions)that, even though I enjoy a lot of music from my youth and it gives me a good nostalgic feeling when I hear or sing it, I really had no clue what the words were to the songs. This isn't any sort of preachy bit on how music can corrupt you, rather a realization that I listened to a lot of music that I liked back in the day that had some pretty messed up lyrics. Even more, I didn't notice for the most part until recently... I've been out to Karaoke every Monday all summer and it's been a lot of fun. I usually put in a song from high school so I can re-live the glory days, but sometimes realize just how messed up the words of the song are while reading and regurgitating... I've heard a lot said about how music kids listen to
changes their behaviour, but I was a pretty good kid and made it another 13+ years before I clued in to what the songs I liked meant... I was just interested in the music, no the words... makes me wonder how much kids pick up. I didn't really pay attention til recently I suppose...

Awkward moment 1 - Song: Lighning Crash by Live... weird lyrical use of placenta...

Awkward moment 2 - Song: Possum Kingdom by The Toadies... give it up to me, do you wanna be my angel, do you wanna die?

Karaoke is fun, though. You should come.

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