Wednesday, December 24

Season's Greetings...

Yesterday morning on the way to work, they were playing Christmas music on Faith FM... no big deal, until I hear the old standard - The Christmas Song.  "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..."A rendition by some chick from Stratford was the one they chose.  It was ok, nothing special -- piano and vocal.  Then I hear something a little different from usual, changing one word.... that just irritated me.  They found it to be to offensive or whatever to say "so I'm offering this simple prayer"... it was changed to "simple wish".  Not only did it not rhyme, or really mean anything in particular... Since when is it ok to alter an old standard song, one word at a time... I suppose we change some hymns to more modern language to be relevant... Is wishing the modern version of prayer?  It didn't even rhyme!  What irks me most is that this is not a 'religious' song... that was the only word remotely religious in there.  Apparently it's not politically correct anymore.  And for the Christian radio station to play it on their morning show and miss that is sad...  Not that I expect a very high level of quality from their morning show, but honestly... 

I wish that you all have a happy holiday dinner and open festive presents and enjoy your holiday eve services the night before you see all the yule gifts under the celebration tree on Dec 25th.

bah humbug.

1 comment:

Brock said...

If you think that's bad, you should see the hymnal they use at St. Giles. Dear lord, that thing just makes me so angry.

Way to neuter the language...