Tuesday, July 4

Why don't cannibals eat clowns?

wow, another month come and gone...

in case you haven't been paying attention, we've bought a house and moved, learned a lot about home renovations, found out that Faith's pregnant, gone to a family reunion with a bunch of people from New Zealand, and that's about it.

This is a picture of one of the fish I caught on Monday in Cochrane on Menard's Lake. Faith's granddad and I went out a few times to canoe around the mostly private lake and catch some fishies. This particular fish was bout 5 lbs and was probably the biggest one we caught all day.

I will inform you that there was no alcohol involved in this picture, I was merely entertaining the old people in Cochrane. My set list consisted of three songs:

1. The ancient Chinese song "too-ning"

2. The shortest song in the world "Laura" (C-Chord)

3. The great nostalgic tune by Spooky Tuesday "Good Ol' School Days"

Anyways, good long weekend, hope to have the basement cleaned up with the entertainment gear setup up by the end of the month.

Booyah - Because they taste funny!

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