Thursday, October 9

Tiny bubbles...

so, I'm blogging right now from an asus eeepc. this computer is one in the line of ultra mobile pc's, hardly larger than a dvd case. this model runs a custom version of linux called xandros, derived from the growing ubuntu os.

I have to say it's kinda cool, but no where beefy enough to act as my sole computer. it's keys are pretty small and the screen resolution makes most web pages tough to navigate with need for side to side scrolling. it's got a 2 gig ssd for the os, with sd card slot for expansion. the processor is an intel lnow voltage celeron I think, running at somewhere between 575mhz-800mhz. it's got 512 of ram.
Not anything special for specs, but its size is its strength. pretty cool toy for less than $300 retail. Royal bank happens to be giving them away, so I've bartered co worker to try it out.

I'd like something like this to take to Czech Republic this february 13-22. Anyone want to come?

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