Friday, December 31

It's freakin raining in Cochrane

Well, I'm almost done my stint in lovely Cochrane Ontario, and it's frickin raining here... We've had about a foot of fresh snow since Tuesday, but now it's raining... ugh. I'm about as bloated as a muskrat that's been dead for a couple weeks... Sooo many sweets and main dishes, then dessert, then snacks, then more sweets, then more food... I love this time of year, and i despise it all at once...

And another thing, I bring some hockey sticks and skates in hopes of playing on an outdoor rink as I do every time I'm up here in winter, and behold, NO RINK... I ask some locals that I come across, and they seem baffled that there was ever an outdoor rink, and point me towards the local arena for "public skating"... I despise public skating, no sticks or pucks allowed, too may small childrens getting in the way... ugh. So, I sit and eat, and long for some form of excercise that I enjoy, and alas... it's raining now. Maybe newyears eve will not be spent at a party as suspected, but maybe here, if the roads ice up tonight. oi

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