Saturday, December 18

Do you hear what I hear?

Well folks, now begins my car's identity crisis.  For the past several months, it had been enjoying a modified exhaust system that made my little Accent sound beefier, manlier...  Thanks to the muffler repair guy, my car is back to it's effeminate old self.  No longer do I need to shut my car off whenst I proceed through the drive-thu... my car is quiet now. 
Even more remarkably, I am now a certified mechanic.  I now know 2 procedures which, I think, encompass the world of auto-repair, making me an expert.  I am the master already of changing ye old air filter, but now my repetoire has expanded to the world of automotive computers.  I used to be scared of computers, saying things like, "I don't even know how to turn it on..." and "what's the mouse do?  that's a stupid name for the pointy thingy...".  I have greaduated to the space age, completing the task of resetting my car computer. 
All it took was a mere 5 minutes of disconnectivity of the positive polar power junction and BAM!  That tough ol' computer doesn't seem all that tough any more... do you?  Now my car no longer tells me to "CHECK ENGINE" all the time... duh... I know the engines there, otherwise I coldn't drive anywhere.  Stupid computers... when will they learn that us humans are much much smrter.

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