Thursday, March 9

Much Ado about NOTHING...

... but am I really surprised?

Today was the holiday that should be a Statuatory one, NHL Trade Deadline Day! I couldn't help but check every few hours/minutes to see if there were any new surprising trades reported. Sure, as a Leaf fan, I don't have much to be excited about on these days, it's true... the Leafs typically suck on these occasions, and didn't dissappoint in that regard this year, but there's always hope that this will be the day that Antropov, Hoglund, Kristich, Renberg, (Insert scapegoat's name here) will be dealt away never to be seen again. However, the Leafs have a bad habit of giving crap players too much of a chance... their problem is that they're too nice...

oh well

Farewell Mr Klee... you were cool in your early days, but more of a chump recently... So long Mr Czerkawski, I never liked you anyways... And goodbye mr conditional draft-pick... you probably wouldn't crack the nhl lineup anyways.

In with the old...

Welcome Mr Richardson, I hope your stay is short and more Leetch-esque than Housley-esque. Good Day Mr Suglobov, I hope your tenure with the Marlies is fruitful.

Anne of Green Gables is playing a victim on CSI Miami tonight...

Here's to hope... that the Leafs will get their collective heads out of their collective keesters and make the playoffs...


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