Thursday, November 3

I know what you did last weekend.

Do you like scary movies?

Me too... anyways, here's some pics from the Trebuchet Extraordinaire Day this past weekend. Matt has a bunch of videos posted HERE for you to peruse, so go ahead. We killed our previous records with a 292ft shot(prev. 252) and amount of counterweight 1200lbs (prev. 800lbs) We spent the morning fixing the dang thing, and calibrating a new firing mechanism, courtesy of Metal Head, Rudy Eigenheer. I got to play with the grinder, and do some chisselling, but mostly saved my energy for great ideas and grunt labour.

On to the pictures. First, there's a shot of the side of my hand-crafted sling blowing out and sending the 5-pin bowling ball lamely off to the side. The 5-pin ball was kinda a let-down, due to it's weight. Had it been 5 pounds instead of 3, I think it would have flown a lot higher. It seems our best projectiles are 5 lbs in weight, judging by our best shot last time, and this time.

Next is a pic of the master-crafted adjustable firing pin mechanism. If the pin is at less of an angle, the projectile will fire lower, releasing later. Conversly, if it's more of an angle, the projectile will release earlier, going higher. Kudos to Rudy on this design genius.

Apparently (according to the kitten) the trebuchet makes a better scratching post than anything else. Luckilly, the kitten stayed away during all the active points of the trebuchet's day.

Next is a picture of one of our larger projectiles, a 24lb pumpkin. These things flew a good distance, roundabouts 230ft, and made a mighty nice THUD sound when they hit the ground and exploded. You could feel the impact from a long way away, and the shards of pumpkin travelled as far as 40 ft from the impact point.

Anyways, good fun, managed to fire off 16 rounds in all on the day, and only broke a few parts. Good news was that our new axle didn't bend one bit with the more counterweight.

Again, for some more pics and VIDEOS, go HERE and give them a gander.

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