Thursday, February 17

The Kiss of Death

...or the survivor pool Pick as I like to call it.  I posted a few weeks back about my pick for Survivor Palau, which started tonight.  Wanda, the shemale was my pick, and sadly, (s)he was just another innocent victim of my survivor pick.  2 years running, my original pick has been one of the first gone, or eliminated immediately after I decide they will win.  Wanda wasn't even afforded the luxury of a vote, rather, eliminated in a school-yard game of who's picked last. 
Sure, (s)he was really annoying in the few minutes we saw her on TV...  (s)he sang ridiculous songs that she had composed herself in preparation for a long game of Survivor...  but I had to go call him/her out as the winner... and WHAMMY!  (S)he's gone...  I will shed but one tear for Wanda's demise... 
but life goes on... 
The one person who would have ruined the show, had she stayed on, was the one voted off...  Attitude and Fortitude were possessed by Jolanda, but she was too dang annoying and bossy to be kept around.  So the relatively useless Tatooed girl stayed instead of the stong/abrasive Jolanda... 
I'm also quite happy that Willard made the final cut, getting picked last, and sending the ladies eye candy home.  Willard's gonna be the man... or get voted out next. 

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